Ahnentafel M.Ch. Feel the Sun       




1 Vater

Schwed., Norw. Ch.


Tigadays Tonight's the Night



SKK 57054/96

3 Int., DK,Belg.,NL,Lux.Ch.,Belg.Winner93,Welt Sg.95, Lds.Sg.Nord Bay.95

Serra Parecis fair Player

NHSB 1656853

7 Int.,DK,NL Ch.,Weltsg.89/91,Europasg.92,Winner92

Boxadan Xercise Makes Master  DKK 15674/87


El Minja's a Midnight Sun  NHSB 1299341

4 Dän.,Schwed.,Belg.,NL Ch.

El Khyria's Zeize the Day

SKK 38021/92

9 Int.,DK,NL Ch.,Weltsg.89/91,Europasg.92,Winner92

Boxadan Xercise Makes Master  DKK 15674/87

10 Schwed.,Norw.CH.

El Khyrias Private Collection  SKK 44652/86

2 Mutter

Int., Nord. Ch.

Touch the Sun




NKK 03573/98

5 Amerika.Ch.


Genesis Touch the Clouds

AKC HD350035

11 IAmerika.Ch.

Genesis Red Cloud  AKC HC8760581

12 Amerika.Ch.

Genesis Jazz Solo  AKC HC680293


East of the Sun 

NKK 32267/90

13 Schwed.Ch.

El Khyrias Runner up  SKK 38276/87

14 Norw.,Schwed.Ch.

El Khyrias K'call Me What Yo W  SKK 46155/83